Community Assessments and Data
Southern Southeast Alaska has a diverse population with diverse needs. Quality data collected in our community can influence how effectively community organizations serve the area. We support open-source data, and strive to make information available to anyone who can use it to better support the community. Browse featured resources and reports created locally. Contact Revilla Island Resilience Initiative if you have a source you would like to share!
Local and Statewide data on violence and violent victimization.
Dedicated to ending violence in our community, WISH collects local data through a variety of sources including statistics provided directly from organizations, community partner interviews, readiness and needs assessments, and other sources.
Reports from the local medical center.
peacehealth ketchikan medical center
PeaceHealth Medical Center is one of the primary medical providers in the Ketchikan Gateway Borough. They periodically report on the health needs and gaps of the community.
Learn more about our students and school district
Ketchikan Gateway Borough School District
KGBSD participates in numerous student assessments to track the health and wellbeing of our students in addition to their academic achievements including the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS) and the School Climate and Connectedness Survey .
Revilla island resilience INITIATIVE
RIRI conducts trauma-informed community assessments using the Tri-Ethnic Center’s CRA model.
Reports and resources from the State of Alaska
State of Alaska
The State of Alaska collects robust data from a variety of programs and populations that are useful to review when developing programs or implementing strategies. View data and reports from the State of Alaska that relate to child welfare, adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), maternal health, and equity.
Ketchikan Wellness Coalition
The Ketchikan Wellness Coalition promotes community wellness through assessment and action. The Behavioral Health Task Force and Substance Abuse Task Force are active in promoting mental health awareness and substance abuse prevention in Ketchikan.